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This tutorial will demonstrate tools available to you for your business research at Butler.  In this tutorial we will cover:

  • Business Databases
  • Business LibGuides

You will see arrows below to navigate through this tutorial. You can also use the "contents" box at the top of this rectangle to go to different parts of the tutorial.

If you're ready, click the arrow below to move forward!


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You should see a website on the right side of your screen and the tutorial instructions on the left. The websites and resources on the right side will change, but you will use the window on the left throughout the entire tutorial.  

If needed, you can resize or move the tutorial windows to help you see both the tutorial instructions and the website.

Business Databases

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In this chapter we'll be learning about Business Databases:

  • what business databases are,
  • the types of information they contain, and
  • how to access Butler databases on- or off-campus.

Business Databases

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Business databases are online collections of information, including

  • articles
  • market research reports
  • company and industry financials
  • SWOT analyses

...and more!

Business databases offer:

  • free 24/7 access to otherwise expensive information,
  • immediate online access to articles from thousands of scholarly journals and business publications, and
  • features that allow you to save, export, and share data, charts, and graphs.

Business Databases

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Accessing Business Databases:

On the screen to the right, you should see a listing of Butler's Business databases. Below each database name, you’ll see a description of the information contained in that database.

Note:  This tutorial starts you off on the database listing website, but most of the time, you will access databases directly from the "Quick Links" box on the Library website (as pictured below).

Quick Links box

Business Databases

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When you want to use a database, simply click on the name.

  • If you’re on campus, you’ll go straight to the database.
  • If you’re off campus, you’ll see an additional screen where you’ll need to enter your Butler username and password.

Once you’ve accessed the database you need, you’re ready to research!

Business Databases

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On the right side of your screen, scroll down to Mergent Online. Notice that access is limited to 5 users at a time. Some databases will have restrictions like this, or they may require you to create a free account to use the database.

Which Butler business database requires first-time users to register and set up a free account?

Business Databases

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If you are not sure which database is best for your business information needs, use the handy table that is provided on the "Business Database Help" LibGuide.

To review the table now, click here

Business Databases

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You've now completed the chapter on Business Databases. Click the arrow below to continue with the tutorial and learn about Business LibGuides.

Business LibGuides

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This chapter will explain:

  • what Butler University LibGuides are,
  • how to access Business LibGuides through the library website, and
  • how to navigate through LibGuides to find and use research resources.

Before we begin, click here to go to a listing of LibGuides.

You should now see a listing of subjects on the screen to your right. To begin exploring the LibGuides on business subjects, click on Business.

Note:  As with databases, you can also access LibGuides directly from the "Quick Links" box on the Library website.

Business LibGuides

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What are Business LibGuides?

Business LibGuides are online research guides. They are your one-stop connection to high-quality business resources selected by Butler's Business Librarians.

LibGuides are available on many popular business research topics, and they may also be customized for Butler business courses.

Business LibGuides

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As you begin research at Butler, you'll find LibGuides extremely helpful. They will:

  • save you time by directing you to relevant library databases and resources,
  • give you tips and tricks for business research,
  • and link you to Butler librarians, who are available for further assistance.

Business LibGuides

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Two of the most popular LibGuides for business students are Company Research and Industry Research.

Click on the link for the Company Research LibGuide.

Business LibGuides

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The first page of a LibGuide gives you general information about the guide. If a LibGuide was created for a course, the first page may include links to your assignment or other handouts provided by your professor.

The tabs across the top of the LibGuide help you navigate through the pages of the guide. Try clicking now on the tabs of the Company Research LibGuide to move through different pages.

Business LibGuides

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Notice that each LibGuide page has boxes. Within the boxes, you will see links to documents, websites, databases, or other research resources.

Click on the LibGuide tab that would take you to resources for research on private companies.

Which database would be helpful for finding information on a private company?


Business LibGuides

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Help with LibGuides

If you need help while you are using a LibGuide, your Butler Business Librarians are just a click away!

Click on the LibGuide tab for Contact Business Librarian to find your librarian's contact information. You can email questions to your librarians or even chat with them directly through the LibGuide.

Business LibGuides

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You've now completed the tutorial on Business Databases & LibGuides.

If you have questions, please contact your Business Librarian.