
1 of 2Welcome!  

This tutorial will explain what Interlibrary Loan is, and walk you through the process of setting up your Interlibrary Loan account.   When you're finished viewing this tutorial, your account will be set up and ready to go!

You should see a website on the right side of the screen, while the tutorial instructions stay up on the left side of the screen.  Use the arrows below to navigate through this tutorial.

If needed, you can resize or move the tutorial windows to help you see both the tutorial instructions and the website.


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Through the Interlibrary Loan system, Butler Libraries borrow books, articles, and other materials from other libraries for Butler students and faculty.

This gives you free access to materials that Butler doesn't own.

How does Interlibrary Loan Work?

Once you create an account, you can submit requests. 

  • You'll need to allow 2 weeks for delivery, though most journal articles arrive within 3-4 days.
  • We'll send articles to you electronically, and we'll e-mail you when print materials are ready for pick-up.

Setting up your Interlibrary Loan account

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Before you can submit an Interlibrary Loan request, you'll need to create a free account.  

You'll only need to do this once.

Setting up your Interlibrary Loan account

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Our interlibrary loan system is called ILLiad, and you should see the ILLiad Logon option on the screen to the right.  It looks like this:

ILLIAD login

Now use the screen on the right to enter your Butler username and password to logon to ILLiad.

Setting up your Interlibrary Loan account

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If you are a first-time user, you will now be asked to fill out a form.  Please note the following:

  • The items with red asterisks are required.
  • Don’t forget to use your Butler e-mail address. 
  • The default delivery location is "Irwin Library."   NOTE:  If your major is in the sciences, mathematics, or pharmacy, choose "Science Library" as your delivery location.

Click the Submit Information button, and you're all set!

Setting up your Interlibrary Loan account

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Many of Butler's library databases also link directly to ILLiad.  If you find an article in a database where full-text is not provided, you will be able to request the full-text by clicking a "find it" button.

Happy researching!  If you need further assistance, just ask!

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