What is BUAnswers?
To the public, BUAnswers is a resource full of frequently asked questions (FAQs) they can search and access 24/7. It also is the main place we direct people to live chat with us. It can be accessed via our library website and in several other places - almost anywhere that says "Ask."
As an ICer, you'll use BUAnswers in 3 main ways.
Log into BUAnswers and follow along. To log in, click ASK tab on the website, then Login to LibApps link at the bottom of the page). Your login will be your Butler email address and a password that you have set up when you were hired.
After logging in, you will see the dashboard. The orange menu bar across the top can help you navigate.
#1 way you'll use BUAnswers: to enter your statistics (Ref. Analytics > Add Transaction).
#2 way you'll use BUAnswers: to log into chat (via the red button or the LibChat drop-down).
One of the most valuable ways that you'll use BUAnswers involves the FAQs.
We have hundreds of FAQs available to the public; however, we have a large number of FAQs that are private and available only to IC. You must be logged in to BUAnswers to see them. These FAQs deal with all aspects of IC's work and can be incredibly helpful when you need a quick refresher.
When you are logged in to BUAnswers, open a new internet Window and navigate to the main BUAnswers page (via the library website or bookmarked at the IC desk). You should now see a Groups drop-down list next to the search bar.
This main search box will allow you to search ALL FAQs, including the private IC ones.
You also can limit to a specific group, by selecting it from the group drop-down menu or using the Group filter on the results page.
Note: You can access FAQs from the dashboard when you are logged into BUAnswers (Answers > FAQ Entries).
However, we strongly suggest that you do not use this method when searching for an FAQ. Here are our reasons:
Try it out!
Navigate to the main page of BUAnswers (buanswer.butler.edu).
Make sure you remain logged in to BUAnswers. You may need to open another window and log into BUAnswers from there.
Make sure you can see InfoCommons in the Groups drop-down list.
Search for "color printing."
View a public FAQ and a private IC one (utilize the Groups limiter).
How can you tell the difference between a public BUAnswer FAQ and a private IC one?
The best part about our IC BUAnswers is that they continue to evolve and improve over time - because each ICer has the ability to edit them.
If you find an error or something that needs updating, fix it! Of course, be sure before you make the change.
You also can create new BUAnswers if you encounter a question that is not yet in the system.
Practice it: visit this private IC BUAnswer and follow the directions to get more familiar with the editing options.
Now that you understand what BUAnswers is and how we use it, we'd like for you to practice searching for FAQs.
So, make sure you are logged in and navigate back to the main page of BUAnswers.
Please take your time and thoroughly explore the questions and read the responses provided for each answer.
Does someone need to make an appointment in order to use something in Archives & Special Collections?
True or false: We check out laptop chargers.
Would the library accept a gift of books from a former Butler professor?
What rooms in Irwin Library have Panopto video abilities?
What statistics do you have to record at the desk?
Can you extend the due date for a community borrower whose card is expired?
What do you do if you find a broken link in WorldCat Discovery?
Who do you report all building maintenance issues to?
Select the option that does NOT correctly capture the process of putting an item on hold.
If you find an ebook owned by a PALNI library in WorldCat Discovery, is there a way for you to access it from Butler?
What does someone have to do to check out a print journal?
What do you do when you can't find a book on the shelf?
What do you do when you realize an item is missing a piece / is broken?
Which of the following captures our policy about equipment rental?
Can you use WebPrint from an iPad?
Which of the following statements accurately shows how you would help a member of the public make a copy?
Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.
You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also.
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