Education Databases

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This tutorial will explain what article databases are, the information they contain, and how to access databases on- or off-campus.

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What are Article Databases?

Article databases are online collections of thousands of articles from different types of publications, including:

  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • scholarly journals
  • trade publications
  • reports

...and more!

Education Databases

Some databases contain articles about a variety of subject areas, while other focus on one particular discipline.

Butler subscribes to several education databases.  These databases contain articles and resources that focus on issues, trends, and resources in education. These databases offer:

• Free access to otherwise expensive information,

• Immediate online access to articles from thousands of scholarly journals and education publications, and

• Features that allow you to save, export, and share data, charts, and graphs

Database Availability

Databases are always available, on- or off-campus, with your Butler username and password.

You can access databases through a LibGuide, which is an online research guide created by Butler librarians, or by following the "database" links on the Library's website.

Database Access

On the right side of your screen, you should see a  Libguide listing Butler's education databases.  Below each database name, you’ll see a description of the information contained in that database.

Notice the different tabs that categorize the databases by topic.

To access a database, simply click on the name.

If you’re on-campus, you’ll go straight to the database.
If you’re off campus, you’ll see an additional screen where you’ll need to enter your Butler username and password.

You're Ready to Research!

Once you’ve accessed the database you need, you’re ready to research!

If you need further assistance, please contact your Butler Education Librarian or visit the library’s website.

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